Saturday 23 June 2012

Stationery Lovers!

My inspiration for Nancy Louise was inspired by my passion for paper and all things stationery. I was one of those freaky children (and still am) that loves the smell of new books and stationery. At the start of every school year I was extremely excited to get new school stationery, and organising and labelling them was a task that I relished! I have met a few of you on my travels I know that I am not alone in this love!

So with this, Nancy Louise not only wanted to offer a range of extremely beautiful papers and embellishments to create stunning stationery for your wedding, birthday, engagement, anniversary or wonderful event...we also wanted to offer a range of unique stationery items from wonderful designers around Australia and the World!

As a stationery lover reading this blog, I invite you to come for an adventure into my world.

The Shop!

As it has been a while since my last blog I was reflecting on my previous posts (hehe, yes all three of them!- I'm new to this!). I realised in this process that I hadn't revealed any pics of the shop after the moving in blog, so these I have decided to share today.

These photos are of the "start" - painting, renovating, trying to create an inspirational space! Pink!!!! This colour is bold and brave, and so creative and inpiring - anyone who walks through those doors instantly smiles (and I am proud to say I have had a few oh wows! walk through the door - which is pretty awesome!). Fellow paper lovers like myself :)